Our group investigates the epigenetic and transcriptional regulation of anti-tumor NK cells.
Research area and collaborations
Natural Killer cells (NK cells) are key effector cells of the innate immune systems. Due to their rapid cytotoxicity and efficient tumor cell clearing they have been a central player in tumor immunology research in the past years. However, cancer cells have developped a plethora of mechanisms to suppress NK cell functionality both locally and systemically.
Our group investigates the interactions of NK cells and the immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment in gastrointestinal cancers. Especially, we want to unravel the impact of the tumor milieu on the NK cell transcriptional and epigenetic landscape in order to develop efficient NK cell based tumor therapies.
Wiedemann Lab is part of the Division of Translational Gastrointestinal Immunology.
Open positions | MD/PhD thesis | Grant support
Open positions
We are looking for a highly motivated postdoc with a profound interest in immunological research. Please apply via e-mail.
If you are interested in an MD or PhD thesis in our group please send your application via e-mail.
Grant support
Kommission für Klinische Forschung (KKF)
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, Emmy Noether Programm WI 4927/2-1)
TUM Seed Fund